Iris House Cork Cancer Support logo

Together we are standing up to cancer

Our Story

The idea for this wonderful club was conceived by Ann Dowley Spillane, who was on the journey of cancer. It was following her diagnosis and whilst undergoing treatment that she became acutely aware of the need to support each other with ideas, advice and most importantly, a shoulder to lean  on. And so in February 2011, The Girls Club now known as Cork Cancer Care Centre, which is based on a solid positive approach and positive encouragement, was born!

Throughout 2011 those touched by Cancer, their families and friends met regularly at the Ambassador Hotel in Cork City, holding many workshops, events and fundraisers.


Ann continued her brave battle with cancer. Sadly, on October 13th 2017, Ann gained her angel wings.


In July 2017 our name changed from “The Girls Club Cork” to “Cork Cancer Care Centre”.


The Cork Cancer Care Centre is located at 26 St. Paul’s Avenue, Cork. This wonderful premises is our official meeting point and ‘home away from home’ where we provide vital support to all those touched by Cancer, their families including free counselling as well as offering a range of complimentary therapies (such as Reiki, Reflexology, access bars, Integrated Energy Therapy, Indian Head Massage, Lymphatic Drainage) and a drop-in centre during the day.

Claire Murray

Linda Goggin James CEO

When Ann’s health deteriorated in 2016, Linda took on more responsibility in all the day to day running’s of the centre, dealing with our councillors and holistic therapists, grants, training, as well as organising fundraising events. 

 Having been mentored by Ann, Linda succeeded her in the operations of the centre after her untimely death in October 2017 and became the General Manager.

The centre grew from strength to strength , where the centre was now offering a wide range of holistic therapies, support groups like the connect and flourish, retreats with holistic therapies, and art therapy.

Linda was promoted to the position of  CEO in 2021 by the directors of C.C.C.C.


Linda and her team continue to support all of those on the journey with cancer through their services